Here are five great ways of earning an Autopilot Income Online. They involve a lot of work initially but once they’ve got going very little manual work is required after that.
Here are ten ways of earning an Autopilot Income online. Autopilot income simply means automatic income. This is income without much manual work. The reality is that earning an autopilot income involves a lot of work initially but once its got going, less work is required after that.
Web Advertising
This is one of the oldest ways of earning money online, it’s also one of the most difficult. Why? Because it involves building up a lot of traffic first. This usually involves creating a lot of good content which takes time to create. Only when your site is popular enough can you earn good money from companies such as Google Adsense or You won’t see a lot of money coming in until your views are well into the thousands a day.
Affiliate Marketing
There are many affiliate networks, such as Commission Junction and FlexOffers, that allow you to promote other peoples products or services. Affiliate marketing often involves creating a niche blog, targeting a particular topic, and then placing an advertisers link or banner around that content.
You get a percentage of the sale (commission) if someone clicks through and purchases the product or service. It’s best to select products or services that are specific to your blog. This can be an effective targeted way of earning money on autopilot once your targeting the right keywords.
Membership Sites
Membership sites offer a paid membership area on a website or blog in return for exclusive content. This is usually content that can only be accessed in the member’s area after you’ve signed up.
To create content worth signing up to, you should provide something that can’t be found anywhere else, or provide content of such high quality it’s worth paying for. You will then usually bill customers automatically every month for continued access to that content.
Virtual Products
You could create you own product – such as a computer program that solves a problem or an eBook and then provide an automated payment system which delivers the product only after a customer has paid. You would usually then promote this product via your own blog or on other websites. Create a legitimate product with a lot of value, get it reviewed and all you need is targeted traffic.
Email Marketing
Email marketing involves marketing via email. You first have to encourage people to opt in to the email list from your landing page. This usually involves providing incentives – such as a free eBook or service, or anything of high value. In return they will give you their email address so that they can receive that incentive and subscribe to your list. You then send out emails every once in a while usually with a combination of information, offers, promotions and upsells.
Try not to spam them with too many offers. This only involves minimal work and everything can be automated, so that emails are only sent out at specific times.
Do you know of other ways of creating an autopilot income. If so let me know in the comments below.